13 nov. 2020Grower in the Spotlight: Orchideeënkwekerij René van EijkCan you describe your company in a few sentences? We are a company that grows standard cymbidium for cutflower. We start our season in...
8 okt. 2020Peony announcementDear valued customer, This announcement is because we want to inform you that the traditional peony season is coming to a close. At Byfod...
2 okt. 2020Grower in the Spotlight: Van Aert FlowersThis month we want to introduce you to the Dutch market leader in Astilbe: Van Aert Flowers. Van Aert Flowers is one of Hollands largest...
10 apr. 2020Grower in the Spotlight: Van Aert FlowersThis month we want to introduce you to the Dutch market leader in Astilbe: Van Aert Flowers. Van Aert Flowers is one of Hollands largest...
25 mrt. 2020BYFOD 10 year anniversaryHappy birthday BYFOD! It has been ten years already since BYFOD was founded by Gino Hol. Aside from a good moment to celebrate, it is...
26 sep. 2019Grower in the Spotligh: Atlas PeoniesIn our ongoing search for new products and suppliers, Byfod stumbled upon a hidden gem in the Atlas mountains of Morocco: Atlas Peonies....
6 sep. 2019Premium Peonies MoroccoIn our ongoing search for new products and suppliers, Byfod stumbled upon a hidden gem in the Atlas mountains of Morocco: Atlas Peonies....